Feedback, Compliments & Complaints

It is our intention to run an exceptional care service.

We will work hard to deliver on our commitments and meet the expectations of our service users, their families and our care partners. However, we recognise that sometimes things can go wrong. We are committed to taking responsibility for our action and for being open and transparent.

We take all comments very seriously and regularly review all feedback received across our service so that we can learn from them.  The information gathered through analysing this tells us what the people we support think about us and gives us the opportunity to share what works well and where we need to make improvements.

We aim to resolve any issue or unmet expectation at a local level, immediately and on site.  However, if we are unable to do so we have a complaint process we follow outlined below. 

Our service is registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

The CQC does not get involved in individual complaints about providers but is happy to receive information about our services at any time. The contact details of the CQC are: Care Quality.

Commission, National Correspondence, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA.

To send us feedback or compliments

Email:  |  Call Us on: 01803 470025

Post to:  Service Manager, Ocean Healthcare Complex Care, 45 Devon Square, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 2HH

Making a Complaint

Sometimes things can go wrong so below is our staged process for dealing with a complaint:

  1. Discuss the situation with the Registered Manager, Cathy Ellingford, who will do her best to resolve the problem quickly to your satisfaction. Email or phone 01803 470025.

  2. If you feel unable to discuss the problem with the Registered Manager, or have not been able to resolve your complaint, please write to the Nominated Individual, Ken Rudge at the Registered Office addressed, marked ‘For Attention of’ Ken Rudge only or email on

  3. If a complaint is received this will be responded to in writing within 2 working days. Such communication will outline the steps being taken to resolve the complaint and who will be in charge of investigating and notifying the outcome in line with the ‘Duty of Candour ‘principles.

  4. The complaint will be formally acknowledged and logged as described above.

  5. Depending on the nature of the complaint, an Investigating Officer will be allocated. We would normally like to discuss the complaint with the complainant either by visiting in person or by discussing the issue on the telephone.

  6. The outcome, details of the investigation and actions taken will be informed in writing.

  7. Actions will be agreed to resolve the matter.

  8. You will be contacted by the Investigating Officer at a later date to check whether issues have resolved, and the service is satisfactory, following ongoing monitoring.

  9. We have a target of resolving all complaints within 28 days of receipt. All complaints including details of the investigation, outcome and actions are recorded and audited internally and regularly inspected by our Commissioners and Regulators.

  10. If after we have investigated your complaint, you are still not satisfied with the outcome, you may wish to contact the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO). The LGO provides a free, independent service.

Visit this link to see our full and detailed Complaint Policy.

Our service is registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The contact details of the CQC are:  Care Quality Commission, National Correspondence, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA.  
Telephone:  03000 616161

You can also contact your local Social Service Department and allocated Case manager.

We are Members Of

BABICM Corporate Associate logo
care quality commision ocean healthcare
spinal injuries association logo OHC

A Guide to Finding the Right Care

Our guide explains both the types of care and the potential funding routes available. It also includes a handy step by step guide to help you source the best complex care company for you or your loved one.